aku...dia...bermula kehidupan

aku...dia...bermula kehidupan

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Arsenal 2 - 1 Barcelona

Arsenal 2 - 1 Barcelona

What a night... we stun might Barca at home, at that proved Barca are beatable n they're not mighty... i insisted, Barca is the feveret, but since Arsenal did last night proved we can go futher and could be the winner for UCL 2011.

Honestly, sgt bbangga dgn Arsenal, their matured now. n they did want we wana c. A great come back. But still we've another 90 minutes 2 play, everything can happen. so, we just pray that our player will give their best 2 make sure we could be the champ this season... ok, mlm td game mmg best. our night 2 remembered. great goal from great player.

Van Persie once again shown his ability, from the tight he scored such a brilliant goal.

hail RVP. die mungkin jawapan kepada kekosongan yg Henry tinggalkan, n aku dh mcm rs balik ke tahun 2006 bile Arsenal dpt kalahkan Real Madrid, n on that time Henry scored the winning goal. tp aku rs season ni Arsenal have the better squad. Persie in his best so far, Walcott is improved so much, Nasri mmg superd season ni, n yg paling best, Wilshere, n aku ltak die sbg man of the match smlm, Wilshere mmg bole control midfield dgn sgt baik. sekarang ni pn Szczesny pn dh mule menunjukkan yg die deserved 2 be Arsenal no 1. Determination + experience + hunger to win = key of the success. tp luck jugak memainkan pranan. tp usaha yg player2 Arsenal tunjukkan mbuktikan yg kita akan menang lebih dari 1 piala season ni... aku percaya beb.

ok, kite citer plak pasal player ni, aku bg nickname utk mlm td, Mr Match Winner, sbb die yg score gol kemenangan tp Arshavin is back. n back with goal. + superb goal. mcm tgk Euro 2008 dl la beb, die mmg magician dl. n i just hope his magic will last until May 2011. sbb kite nk mnang UCL ni... jom tgk die celebrate gol die jap... jommm...he2


prasaan yg x thingga lps score ni aku rs. dh lame gak kot die x score gol, so mmg die celebrate briya mlm td. aku pn mcm nk jerit gak mlm td, tp takut mak mentua aku tjaga, so, duk jerit2 dlm hati jela, tp puas... yg pasti ini adalah kemenangan pertama Arsenal lwn Barca, 1st time n mcm biase kalu dh menang akan trus menang la kot.he2. aku mdoakan mcm 2 la. sgt bharap Arsenal will bag sumting home this season (insyaAllah Carling Cup dapat next week.he)

buat kawan2 yg membaca, sori kalu ape yg aku tulis ni buat korg meluat, aku mmg penyokong Arsenal since 96 till end.he2. so, Gooners forever. n pd yg sama2 sokong Arsenal, truskan sbb insyaAllah season ni is our season. believe in Allah. pray to Allah sbb mane tau sambil2 doa utk mama, abah, isteri, sedara mara, n kwn2 se-Islam, doa utk Arsenal skali. x salah pe.he2.

klah, c u guy next time. Assalamualaikum...f77

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